Sunday, December 9, 2012

Leaving The Nest

One morning I woke up and I knew. I knew something good was coming but I also knew something was changing. My life had no stability and neither were the people around me. I remember being sad even though I knew it was good. And now I know why. My move to Maryland has been finalized. Conversations of rent and placement and priorities have been endlessly discussed and there's a scent of excitement in the house. But back home, there's nothing there for me. I have maybe two people I can actually trust and the rest have separated their life from my own. Which is okay until I realize that I am blatantly forgotten.

I've tried saying things and giving hints to said people to try and repair what was broken. Sadly, what was broken was unrepairable. And finally, that's okay too. I don't need them. I thought I did, but I don't anymore. Because I'm moving on with my life and it's wonderful. I'm leaving behind my old life and starting a new one. Still as the same person but with different priorities and goals. I won't have to worry about running into anyone or stepping on anyone's toes. There won't be any "maybe one day"'s. I won't dwell on things I've done or regret anything anymore because I won't run into it. I'll be able to live my life new but also reflect on what has happened and use it to my advantage.

This entry is a bit sporadic because I'm really distracted but I guess what I'm trying to say:

It'll be nice to move on with my life, grow, and tell all of you that doubted me, fuck you. Thank you for showing me who my true friends and family are. The rest of you can go to hell and it wouldn't even phase me.

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