Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines day

Ohhhh Valentines day. The generic hallmark holiday that I love so much. I do believe it's aimed more towards card companys, the post office, flower shops, and Godiva more so than it is love. But, I still had a great time. Even being single. I went to class, worked a full afternoon, made very good money, and then I headed home. My original Vday plans were to go to FunStation with the girls but they flaked and only wanted to get wasted and go to bulls. I, on the other hand, am getting rather tired of watching people hook up as though they have no dignity.

I'm not saying hooking up is bad. I've done it a few times myself. But for me, each time was a time I wanted to get back. I wasn't happy with myself. I felt like I was 16 all over again. I'm 21, about to be 22, and I feel like I should get my shit together. I know I'm still young. I still have a few things I need to experience, but that doesn't mean I want to knock myself down to what everyone elses standards are.

The whole idea about FunStation(it's like boomers) was exciting to me. For once, we'd all be on the same level and kick it like kids! Go Karts, Mini Golf, Bumper Cars, Laser tag, Arcades. It was something I looked forward to doing for two weeks. The rain ruined all the outside adventures to be had, but the inside still had potential. It was definitely something I needed but unfortunately, didn't receive.

When I got home from work, Christine was playing chef in the kitchen and shouted "HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!" As loud as she is, and the many times I tell her to use her inside voice, she was the first person to hear me out that day. To listen to how I felt. And she made me feel ten times better. That night, we had made 4 pizzas, cookies, chocolate covered strawberries, 2 cases of PBR, Vodka, strawberry daquiris, etc. Our house looked and smelled delicious. And my god, it was. Best pizza I've ever had.

The company was also very much enjoyed as well. Everyone was full of laughter and happiness. There was no recognition that we were all singletons! And then I got a call from someone saying they wanted to come over and see me. I was surprised, happy, nervous, and then..I panicked. I went into a complete frenzy to make sure EVERYTHING was clean. My room, bathroom, and car was officially spotless within an hour. I have never cleaned so fast.

She was only here for a couple of hours but it was still fun. My roommates got to know her and actually really enjoyed her. They had nothing but good things to say when she left and it made me happy that she was so easily accepted. There were no "I have a bad feeling about her" or "She seems nice but there's just something about her..."

We talked so much that those few hours flew by. 3 hours seemed to be 20 minutes.

I'm not really sure where this is going, or if it even is, but I'm open to the idea. If it doesn't, that's fine with me. I'm okay with being alone. I'm more productive that way. But, who knows, maybe this will be someone who will work WITH me. Life is a mystery. Lets see if I can solve this one. :)

Once she left, Nick was set on everyone getting absolutely blown. So, of course, we all crowd into his room(his request) and pass around a nice blunt. I originally had no intention of smoking but my temptation got the better of me and the next thing I knew, I could barely hold my head up. I was laughing at everything and interested in every single thing that came out of someones mouth. At some point, I just couldn't handle it anymore. Let me tell you...walking down stairs after smoking sour diesel for a good 45 was a mission. But I found it funny??? Haha.

Either way. I ended up completely passing out once I reached my room even though I had a movie on full blast volume.

I love my life, my roommates, and everything else God has brought me. I may be going through some rough times with my friends but I'm gaining more family. And family is all you need.

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