Thursday, November 3, 2011


I realize I've not written in some time now. Well, compared to the amount I used anyway. Its strange. So much has happened, multiple people have entered/walked out of my life and yet, I'm unsure of what exactly to say. There are days when I feel low and could probably write a novel but just don't have it in me. Or the time. Or the motivation to pick up my laptop and do anything with it, really. I spend majority of my time working, watching a movie, or kicking back and enjoying the silence.

I've gotten into reading again. I guess I could start off by writing about that? When I went home a couple weeks ago, my mother and I spent 2 hours(of course) in barnes and noble. She walked away with 4 books whereas I only walked away with two. Funny, considering I was the one taking the most time. I didn't want to leave. I couldn't find anything that truly caught my eye so I bought books I heard were good. Eat Pray Love and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Books a hipster kid would have on his bookshelf. I am no hipster but I must say, they do have some good literary taste.


I've been slowly reading Eat. Pray. Love. I figured since I saw(and love) the movie, I might as well read(and adore) the book! I haven't made it very far. Maybe a few pages. Few being 4 or 5. I'm usually one to pick up a book and continuously stare at it wide-eyed and fascinated. Strangely, I haven't been able to put myself in that same position. I read a lot of blogs now. Thought Catalog being the main one. I like reading thoughts, ideas, humor. I guess I'm just sick of stories? Of fiction? Of constant babble about the same thing over and over again?


Maybe that's why I haven't written. Because I didn't want to write about the usual shit I always write about. And for once I'm not. It's quite liberating, actually.

Other than my reading(or lack thereof) I've been giving myself a lot of me time. I'm not saying I don't see my friends. That's definitely not the case. I've become that person that takes a million pictures of everyone-usually after a couple of drinks-and someone ends up taking my phone away. I just enjoy being by myself most days. I like turning on the television and watching a good sad, sarcastic episode of greys anatomy. Or Glee. Or turning on a movie I've seen a thousand times but I want to watch it now because I really enjoy the background music.

But I can't do this with other people. Other people talk. Other people move, and yawn, and cough, and drink, and eat, or something of the sort. When its just me, it's me being me. Doing whatever it is that I want to do at that moment. I don't have to consider how any other person feels but myself. And it's great! I absolutely love it!

Besides all that,

I leave soon! Very soon! I'll be gone for a week to a still-secret place! I arrive tuesday morning and leave the following tuesday. A full week in a beautiful place with beautiful people and beautiful unknown destinations! Don't worry, blog. You'll know soon enough.

I have more to say, which is great since I started off not knowing what to say, but it's late and I really should be asleep by now. It's a long day of work and then driving tomorrow.

Until next time, my friend.

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