Monday, October 24, 2011

Musical Tendencies.

I feel like saying this

But that would never happen because

And though it sometimes hurts, I smile because I know

I've let go of you....and yes, it does feel like something is missing. But I'm happy. And if one day, you decide you want to be friends, we can definitely try. But I sincerely believe that's all we could ever be. If that. If you let it. I'm not trying anymore. Not fighting, not crying. Nothing. I'm taking care of myself and my self worth is just going up because of it. You may be gone, but you didn't disappear. Neither did I. We're both still existent. Just seperately. You know how to reach me whenever you feel like talking. Even if you just need to bitch. I was in love with you once, and now I just love you. Complex to simple. Beautiful.

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