Friday, December 16, 2011


There's so much going on. Majority good and a little bit of bad but the good is definitely outweighing the bad at the moment!! I'm finally making plans that will benefit my future. Where I still work, go to school, make and save money, etc. but still moving on with my life.

So here's what made my night tonight, blog.

Sam and I had a wonderful night of talking shit, ya know, the usual. And also went out to rehab for a couple drinks. We didn't dance. We kept talking about all the decorating and fixing up we're going to do to our house next year.

We decided to leave because we were gonna go see Amanda but she fell asleep. So we came up with the bright idea to go check out our potential house. Bad idea. Awful, actually. Why? Because we are absolutely head over heels in love with this place. It's small and petite which is perfect for us. But what really won us over was the backyard/deck/porch/driveway/trees/stars/EVERYTHING! There's so much land and beauty in this place. It needs small fixer uppers but me and Sam are excited to grab some hammers and go to town on this place!! There's a few things we're iffy about.

The sewage goes through a septic tank. Gross, but durable. The water is well water. Once again, gross(depending) but durable. And there's no cooling system. Though, there are ceiling fans in every room. If worst comes to worst, we can just put a wall unit in. Which we've discussed. There is, however, a heating system so that'll be good for the winter time.

I would have taken photos and posted them here for my few friends who read this but we went to check it out at around 1 o'clock this morning and we were more focused on seeing where we were going than taking pictures. It is in the middle of the woods so the stars are bright, we can build a fire pit, and it's perfect for growing our own fruits/veggies. This is something we are going to do. No ifs,ands,or booties.

The words I've written here do not fully express the breath-taking awe of this place. But rest assured, we may find something better. This was just one place out of 7 we were offered. In total, the realtor has found 40. We still have a long way to go, both financially and emotionally, but it doesn't stop us from getting excited. I sincerely haven't felt this way about something since I was a child. Sure, it'll be hard. But I look forward to every bit of hard work that goes into this project.

Not only that, but all night I have been surrounded by people I love. If they haven't been around me, they have texted and called.

Point being, I fucking love my life. Even during the worst moments, there's always a bit of light guiding me where I'm supposed to be.

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