Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A personal epidural

Blah. That's all I have in my head at this very second. No good nor bad thoughts are overtaking me tonight. Which, surprisingly, they haven't in a while. But something is wrong up there. In my brain, that is. I'm having a problem pin pointing it, but I can feel it. It's lurking in the crevices. But like I said, it's not good or bad. I'm not too sure what it is that I'm trying to write here. I'm tired, frustrated, and certainly upset about certain situations. But tomorrow is another day. One of which I'm hoping will be absolutely spectacular.

It's tuesday tradition night! So, of course, that means I'll be surrounded by my girls, beer, and karaoke. I need to write more. I should write more. But I'm just too tired...

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