Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The excitement from a fresh taste.

So I haven't written in a couple days but that's because I've been a bit busy. Not with anything too time consuming but enough to the point that I didn't have time to write.

Saturday night I went to a party and got wasted with my best friends. It was our friend's going away party. She's going to Italy for a few weeks and if she has a reason to party, she will. Hahaha. Then, we went to Amanda's little sister's friends house. ...It was a high school party. To put it lightly, I wasn't impressed nor entertained. And I was drunk! So what did I do? Bitch about not having cigarettes to the point that me and Matt walked up and down A1A for about an hour trying to find a shop that was open. There was no such luck. But damn it felt good! The air was crisp, the streets were clean of cars and people, and there was a certain amount of silence. Not complete silence though. Oh no. I made me and Matt jog and I was chanting "Motivation! Burning calories! Losing weight!" almost the entire time. We were in hysterics we were laughing so hard. Not only that, but both of our phones died. So no one could've reached us if they tried. Which I'm sure for Amanda sucked, but it was okay. It was nice. I felt like I was completely unreachable from the outside world.

Sunday it was mothers day. My family and myself went to an old friends house for her 80th birthday. And that was refreshing as well! I saw people I hadn't seen since I was a kid. Along with people who remembered me, but I didn't remember them. I got to spend time with my mom, my sister, my niece, my grandmother, and all the people who are close to us. People whom I consider family even if they aren't blood related. Seeing Mr. and Mrs. Elkind speak and look at each other made my heart swell with hope. Not for anything specific. Just hope in general. These two people who have been together for years and years still look and speak to one another as though they've just met. I dream of that. And seeing love like that again, because the only love I know that was like that was my nana and poppas, was refreshing. Exhilarating, even.

And today I babysat my niece. For a good eight hours I got to feed, change, play and bathe my niece. She's such a beautiful little girl and a true blessing as well. I don't know where I, or my sister, would be without this little one. She changed us all. We've grown so much closer in so many ways because of her. I truly thank god for her being in our lives.

I'll write more later. For now, I'm on my way out to enjoy the night life. And by night life, I mean do absolutely nothing with other people doing the same thing. Haha. Until later, my friends!

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