Thursday, May 12, 2011

It's far place...wherever I am.

This self journey I'm on seems to be everlasting. And you know what? It is. I'll continuously learn more and more about myself until my very last breath. I don't think anyone ever truly knows who they are. I think it just comes with the moments. You know who you are when it comes to your personality and standards, yes. But knowing exactly who you are and what you want out of life will always fluctuate. The only thing that's for sure is life begins when you're born and it ends when you die. But the moments in between consist only of what you've experienced.

Right now, I'm trying to find my personality again. A lot of it has come back, but there's a lot that's still missing. For example, my ability to be outgoing and truly not give a fuck what others think is still partially M.I.A. And for me, it sucks. Because I really enjoy that part of myself. Another portion that I've seemed to lose was being able to stand up to people and voice my opinion. Regardless of whether it pissed people off or not. I've always been the type to have a "don't give a fuck" attitude but also carry the "here's the shirt off my back" perspective. I've lost that.

Come back, Kelsey! I know it will happen. I'm sure of it. I just don't know how long it will take. And I need to make sure I stick around this time. I need to be positive I won't put myself in the shadows and allow myself to be a mannequin. So until that happens, you can find me on a dirt road trying to find my old tracks. The same ones that will lead me back to myself.

I must say I've made quite a bit of improvement. But I'm still not there yet. It may be a long journey, but I know everything will fall into place once I reach the end of it. Regardless of what happens, I know I'll be myself again. And I know I won't put myself on the back burner or become another silhouette that goes unnoticed. I can't wait to reach my destination. It's scary, but I'm excited to see where I end up. I have my fingers crossed for certain situations but I'll always hold my head up high either way. :)

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