Saturday, May 21, 2011

Oh, it's so funny honey.

This facade makes me laugh. To see people sit there and think they know what's up and what's going on and laugh about it. It really does make me sit there and giggle to myself about how these people think it's all good. You're such a rock up front but I know what's inside. These people have no clue. They think you're alright. But I know better. Or maybe I know worse. Either way, these fucking people are so easily manipulated by an outside attitude. I guess it doesn't matter though because you are who you show. As for me, I'll show people I'm vulnerable and weak. Because atleast I'm not wasting my time trying to be someone who isn't me. I'm fucked up but that's okay. Tomorrow's a brand new fuckin' day. And I'm still breathing just fine. I'm living the life I love that is mine.

And girl, I'd get you back if I could. But right now it's just not for us. And maybe it will never be. And I'm finally okay with that. Sure, it stings a little. But it's not killing me. Maybe one day you'll see what I see. Maybe you won't. There's quite a possibility that you'll continue seeing me for who I was instead of who I am. That's cool though. Because I know damn well who I am. And I don't need anyone's acceptance. Only my own. I got me back. Maybe not 100% just yet, but I think that's also because I've gained so much more. I have more wisdom, more cautionary value, and more intelligence this time. A lesson learned is another life earned.

You'll always be welcome next to me. I don't have to tell you that. But I'll write it down however many times I want. Until one day, I won't write it at all. And that could either be because: 1. You're my baby again. OR 2. I've moved on. Either way, I'm living my life to it's full extent and I'm happy. I'll just have to live my life with a missing piece. There's always another puzzle out there though. I'm sure something will happen to fill this void again.

You have my heart, dear. And you'll continue to have it until this feeling for you goes away. If it ever does. And if it doesn't, then I know who I belong with. If it does, then I know we're not meant to be. Time will tell. And I've grown very patient. :)

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