Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tiny dots...

Someone once said that life is too short to worry about the small things. Well, I disagree. You see, the small things are what help us become who we want to be. Those tiny dots in your life, when viewed from another angle, make a complete picture. And all those spaces in-between are the moments we haven’t had yet. But if life is so short and fragile, why fight how you feel? Why should we lock away the emotions that float through us? Shouldn’t we allow them to spill out and potentially change someone else’s life? For me, if I were to die tomorrow, I would want to know that my picture will hold no spaces. It would only carry a tremendous amount of tiny dots that grew into a masterpiece. And if I get hurt from it all, atleast I can add one more dot. One more lesson. One more moment that has already been had.

There will be no spaces in my frame.

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